My First Time
How Flower Essences Changed My Life
Alexandra Windsong
© 2009, 2017 Alexandra Windsong, All Rights Reserved.
For most of my adult life, I had suffered from a variety of chronic health issues: migraines, tension headaches, allergies, recurrent sinus and urinary tract infections, digestive system issues, neck pains, back pains, joint pains - you get the idea. And while none of my physical issues were life threatening at the time, they severely affected the quality of my life. I was fed up. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, and years of doctor’s visits and medications weren't really helping.
Then, in the early ‘90s, I began exploring the world of alternative medicine including energy work, meditation, visualization, chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture. All of these modalities were extremely helpful and effective. Migraines were almost a thing of the past, my sinuses were finally getting back to normal, and I was in less pain on a daily basis. I was feeling much better, but still felt there was room for improvement.
One day while sitting in the acupuncturist's office, I picked up a brochure for another practitioner that worked there. She offered several services including homeopathy, which I was interested in, and flower essences, which I wasn’t. Hoping that homeopathy might be able to help with some of the joint pain I was experiencing at the time, I scheduled an appointment with her.
During the initial consultation she asked a lot of questions. And after twenty minutes or so, she suggested that flower essences would be more helpful for me than homeopathy. She went on to explain what flower essences are and how they work, that they are the energy patterns from various plants and flowers that have been imprinted upon a liquid, contain no physical component of the plant itself and therefore have no fragrance. She further explained that when you take the flower essences into your energy field, they resonate with the energy patterns that are out of balance within you, addressing the underlying mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances that can affect your overall health and well-being, and serve as catalysts for changing patterns of behavior that we find difficult to change.
For some time, I had known that the state of my physical, mental and emotional well-being was directly connected to how I handled stress, as well as the attitudes and behaviors I had that created stress in my life in the first place. And while I had an intellectual handle on it all in that I understood where many of these patterns came from, there were some areas where I just couldn't seem to make the transition from where I was to where I wanted to be. I decided to give the flower essences a try. I also decided that I would try this as an experiment, and asked her not to tell me anything about the essences she had selected. I was concerned that if I knew the specifics of what each essence was for, I would question any results that I saw, never knowing whether what I experienced was real or just a placebo effect.
Over the next month, I used the flower essences as she suggested, without thinking much about them -- what changes I should see, or when I could expect to see them. In fact, I wasn’t aware of any differences at all. I was just going about my life business as usual. But, when I went back for my follow-up visit, I began to see just how much had changed since my first appointment. While describing details of some events at work, I realized that I was responding differently to people and situations than I would have in the past. Things that once would have triggered a stress response weren't getting to me anymore. I didn't feel the need to be so on-guard all the time, to examine every little situation and interchange for the hidden barb, or the potential land-mine. I felt much more in charge and capable of dealing with whatever came my way. I was feeling more balanced, peaceful, and at ease with myself.
Then she then told me what essences she had given me and why, and I became a believer. The changes I was seeing directly corresponded to the essences she had selected, addressing behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that, while they had helped me to survive a difficult childhood, were now interfering with my ability to live a happy and peaceful life.
Flower essences have had an impact on nearly every area of my life including my career, my relationships, my creativity, my self-image, and, indirectly, my physical health. They have been an integral part of my personal growth and development. They have helped me to change old patterns that are no longer appropriate, and to feel more confident, capable and at ease with myself. I truly believe I would not be where I am today without them.
I know that there is always more work to be done, that personal growth and development are an ongoing process in this life, and I know that flower essences will continue to help me be the most balanced, happy, successful person I can possibly be.
For more information about flower essences, or to schedule an appointment, contact Alexandra by email or call 301-606-2607.
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Alexandra Windsong is a healer, intuitive, life coach, singer, songwriter and artist and has been using flower essences both personally and professionally for over 20 years. For more about Alexandra, click here.