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• And when you feel ready . . . gently bring your awareness back to the environment around you as you begin to gently stretch and move your body. And when you are ready you open your eyes.
A Few Notes
1. This exercise can be used as a daily meditation to help you feel clear, grounded, balanced and energized.
2. It can also be used to re-balance yourself before entering into a stressful situation, - before having to give a presentation for example. I had one student who used the first part of the exercise (roots growing into the earth) to help ground herself before talking in front of a group in a work meeting (she usually had anxiety about this). This visualization helped her to stay focused, calm and confident.
3. And of course it can be used during a stressful situation as well. . . or anytime you need to rebalance, and be present, calm and focused.
Be a Tree - A Simple Grounding Exercise
Alexandra Windsong
©2023 Alexandra Windsong, All Rights Reserved.
• Sit or stand quietly (you can lie down if you prefer, but you may find the visualization easier to do in a seated or standing positon).
• Close your eyes and begin by simply bringing your awareness to the rhythm of your breath without trying to change or judge it . . . simply being aware of the movement of your body as you breath in and out - a natural exchange of light, and air and energy with each gentle breath.
Until next time . . . Peace & Blessings,
This simple exercise is one of my favorite ways to ground and center. It’s simple and easy and can be done anytime, anywhere. You can also use this exercise to clear and recharge your energy as well as to ground and center yourself.
It will be easier for you in the beginning, to do this exercise in a quiet place as free from distractions as possible. Over time, you too will be able to do it anytime, anywhere.
On to the exercise . . .
• As you breathe in, imagine that you breathe in peace and light and energy (you can add other positive things here as well), and as you breathe out, you release, tension, stress, toxins and wastes, patterns and energies that no longer serve your purpose.
• Remind yourself that with each breath, your mind becomes more calm and quiet, and your body more relaxed.
• Be at this place for as long as you like - a few breaths, a few minutes . . . whatever feels right to you.
• When you feel ready, imagine yourself as a beautiful tree with thick strong roots reaching down into the earth . . .
• And with each breath your roots grow deeper and deeper into the earth, and your trunk grows stronger and more stable - staying strong and flexible as your branches and leaves expand and grow - spreading out and reaching toward the sky and the sun . . .
• . . . so that you are a strong beautiful tree - well rooted, grounded, balanced between heaven and earth, nurtured and energized through your roots sinking deep into the earth, and your leaves and branches open to the warmth and life-giving energy of the sun.
• Stay with this image as long as you like, all the while continuing to breathe - breathing in peace and light, breathing out toxins as waste as you become more stable, balanced and flexible - like a tree - connected to the earth below while reaching toward the sky above.